Success of SimTech US 2021 Conference held in Orlando

CORYS hosted the biennial simulation conference, SimTech, in October 2021 at the Portofino hotel at Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida.


The conference had three tracks to accommodate CORYS simulation customers in the Hydrocarbons, Rail and Nuclear industries.


A robust in-person audience attended the conference, even though, thanks to COVID, some utilities imposed travel restrictions. Those that were able to attend in person enjoyed the major benefits of networking with their peers and seeing their industry friends again after a long lockdown.


Thanks to the addition of a virtual track, customers, partners, and friends around the world could view and deliver presentations from their offices and homes. The quality of the customer presentations were, as always, excellent, whether in-person or remote.

Outstanding keynote presentations from Anthonie Cilliers (Senior Manager, Instrumentation, Controls and Electrical, Kairos Power) and William Stone (Legendary Deep Earth Explorer) were big hits and a highlight of the conference. 


As always, the CORYS Monday night party was a huge success, enhanced by highly entertaining Karaoke performances by CORYS employees, conference guests and families. 


Look for an announcement for the next SimTech conference, and make plans not to miss it! 

fichier 17

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