Polypropylene OTS for Hanwha Total Petrochemical

Hanwha Total Petrochemical Co. Ltd., a 50/50 joint venture between Total and Hanwha, selected CORYS to develop an Operator Training Simulator (OTS) for its new polypropylene plant.

The OTS is part of a $500 million investment program to increase propylene production capacity of the integrated refining and petrochemical complex in Daesan, South Korea.

CORYS will develop high fidelity model of the polypropylene polymer plant using a gas-phase technology based on a fluidized bed reactor system and producing different grades of homopolymers and random copolymers.

Philippe Thiabaud, CORYS sales manager, said, “OTS based on CORYS’s INDISS PLUS platform is an unmatched tool designed to provide fresh and experienced operators the opportunity to learn and improve skills through practice contributing to plant’s safety, operational and environmental performance.”

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