Free webinar : severe accident training simulation

CORYS organizes a webinar on February 16: Severe Accident Training Using Full Scope Simulators.

Jody Ryan, CORYS Chief Commercial Officer will host the webinar, and panelists will include Bob Sanders and Barney Panfil, both of whom are Principle Engineers at CORYS and experts in severe accident simulation. Jody also anticipate the participation of utility training personnel to offer their experience.

Since the Fukushima accident, many modern training simulators have been enhanced with severe accident models. While conducting training on full scope simulators, utilities have found that operator recognition of complex physical phenomenon can be extremely challenging using the limited instruments available in the control room, causing difficulty in following severe accident guidelines.

Creating a visualization of the plant and dynamic plant processes is a proven method of facilitating a deeper understanding of complex events, both severe and non-severe, helping operators to diagnose, prevent and mitigate accidents.  This Webinar will demonstrate how a modern gaming graphics engine (Unity) is coupled with real-time severe accident simulations using the MELCOR models to provide a visual environment which facilitates understanding of complex physical phenomenon.

In addition to severe accident training, this webinar will explore technical issues and limitations encountered by Corys while incorporating severe accident models into a real-time environment and installing them onto training simulators.  

The presentation will be tailored to simulator engineers, test operators, simulator supervisors, operations instructors and training managers.  

Zoom webinar
When: Feb 16, 2021 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) 
Topic: Severe Accident Training on the Full Scope Simulator Register in advance :

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