CORYS joins the Symbio Hydrogen Academy: a new dimension in hydrogen training

CORYS joins the Symbio Hydrogen Academy consortium as its ninth member, marking a new stage in the development of hydrogen training.


CORYS, a specialist in dynamic simulation, will bring its unique expertise to develop three simulators based on its INDISS PLUS® platform, including a digital twin of the SHA Fuel Cell 6KW training bench in partnership with Hydroxide Technologies.


CORYS will join forces with Symbio, Mines Paris – PSL, ECAM LaSalle, INERIS, CARA Transport & Mobility Systems, Sector Group, LGM and SHERPA ENGINEERING to enable the Symbio Hydrogen Academy consortium to take a decisive step forward by enabling:

  • Massive experimentation: Thanks to the simulators, a larger number of people will be able to learn about hydrogen technologies, without having to physically have access to expensive and complex equipment.
  • Wider dissemination of knowledge: The simulators will make it possible to reproduce real-life situations and experiment with different configurations, making it easier to understand the physical and chemical phenomena associated with hydrogen.
  • Optimised training: The simulators will allow training courses to be tailored to the needs and skill level of each individual learner

Louis GUILLAUME, Symbio Hydrogen Academy Manager, is delighted about this collaboration:

'‘The arrival of CORYS is excellent news for our consortium. CORYS brings to the SYMBIO HYDROGEN ACADEMY the unique, singular and valuable dimension of simulators that create the capacity for massification and dissemination of experimentation on fuel cell training benches, a crucial dimension for the development of Hydrogen skills. Its expertise in simulation will enable us to offer even more innovative and effective training, to meet the growing needs of the hydrogen market.’'

The Symbio Hydrogen Academy, founded by Symbio in 2021, is the first initiative 100% dedicated to improving skills in the hydrogen industry, with more than 80 innovative modules developed in partnership with CARA Transport & Mobility Systems, ECAM LaSalle, INERIS, LGM, Mines Paris – PSL, Sector Group and SHERPA ENGINEERING. The project is supported by the French Government and the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region as part of the IFPAI action (the engineering of professional training and innovative support, the regional strand of France 2030 managed by the Banque des Territoires (Caisse des Dépôts Group).

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